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Mass Effect : Legend is back!

May 17, 2024
Mass Effect Legendary Edtition looks great, the first trailer has arrived, as well as the confirmed release date.

Are you ready to control Normandy, be the famous Captain Shepard, of course in 4k resolution? We certainly are! There has been a lot of talk about the remaster of the first three parts of the Mass Effect series, which made this game famous, while the last part of Andromeda had problems after the game came out. Now we finally have a release date and a mini trailer of what it all looks like. Sure, it’s a remaster, not a remake, but as Mass Effect games were ahead of their time, they now look great for their age. The Legendary Edition will feature the first three parts of the game, as well as huge additional content in the form of missions, equipment and weapons. In addition to the visual and graphical improvement of the games, it was mentioned that there will be mechanical corrections, such as driving the rover, the length of loading levels and similar things.
The remastered trilogy arrives on May 14th this year for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and you can see how it all looks in the video below:

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