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Doom Eternal: Official gameplay, even more powerful demon killing!

Aug 11, 2018
Bethesda introduced the gemeplay of Doom Eternal,new part of the masterpiece Doom 2016.

Doom Slayer returns even stronger, faster with a new set of weapons! Although at the E3 in 2018 Doom Eternal was announced without much detail, now there are 3 different gameplays on QuakeCon 2018. There are also new capabilities of Doom Slayer, dash and hook for capturing. There is also a redesigned armor, some old but also new weapons. Enjoy killing new demons, but also those old, for the players who remember the series well. The exact release date is not yet known, but judging from the previous sections it is assumed that it will be in 2019.

You can view the gameplay,and presentation of the game on the video clip below:

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