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Far Cry 5 : Lost On Mars DLC coming out next week!

Jul 11, 2018
New DLC take us to the Red Planet !

One of the biggest hits this year Far Cry 5, gets a new DLC add-on called Lost On Mars. And it leads you to believe or not, directly on the red planet! The whole story is happening on Mars, where you have gone with two other soldiers to prevent the invasion of aliens on planet Earth. In addition to new missions and stories, there are also Arcade Mode missions, so you can enjoy the new maps again. There are also new weapons, both on Mars and Hope Country to fight hard-hitting Occultists. The new DLC arrives on Xbox, PC and PlayStation 4 on July 17th.

And for the next month, another DLC called Dead Living Zombies is planned, and what is waiting for you there, the name itself says.

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