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Division 2 : New raid is coming!

May 18, 2024
Today Divison 2 gets new big raid,for 8 players!

Today we get new content in Division 2! A big raid called Operation Dark Hours. This will be the hardest task so far, which players must perform under special conditions. You must be at least World Tier 5, but you also have to have 7 more teammates in your squad with the same levels. It's very important that you know that for this task there is no matchmaking, so you have to manually select your own teammates, which in way of the Division series, so that you must have your team ready. The team that first performs this task gets a special prize, their photograph that will be visible to all players of Division 2, in the White House! For all other teams, the prize is a commemorative badge, of course, the raid lasts from 16.05 to 23.05. You can see the official trailer on the video below:

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