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SCUM: Sold in over half a million copies!

Sep 9, 2018
New survival game makes a serious step for the top!

The SCUM game that comes from developers from Croatia, Gamepires Studio and in the first week has been sold in incredible 700,000 copies! So SCUM climbed into the top 10 most-favored and best-selling games on Steam. Although it is is still in the beta, it promises a lot,also new content has been announced, but unfortunately, and the deletion of the players' progress so far, because there was a recording for the singleplayer. Gamepires Studio has apologized for this, and sent notification to players that they will try to make this happen less often. SCUM is focused on the survival and realism of the game, bringing the multiplayer to a higher level, something that has not been seen so far,such as the fact that you have to eat something, but you also have to wait a while for the food to warn !

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