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Totally new Star Wars game has been announced!

May 20, 2024
EA and Respawn Entertainment have reunited again and this time we get a singleplayer game with old rules,ones that we loved!

As we wrote in the title, we are going get a new Star Wars game, done according to old good rules, which means: there are no multiplayer and no microtransactions! Which is great if you believe EA, because they have so far argued that singleplayer games are past. On the game are working : Respawn Entertainment in cooperation with Electronic Arts, and after their last game, Apex Legends, we see that they are an excellent team. To return to the game itself, it is Jedi: Fallen Order and the main protagonist is Cal Kestis, a young Jedi who is forced to hide his powers of the Force, after the liquidation of all Jedi by order 66. Of course, at one moment he reveals his hidden powers and then his adventure is moving forward. During the game, Cal will improve his powers and abilities gradually, and the game is not in a stealth style like there was speculation, but a focus on fighting Ligtsaber and tactical use of force to overcome the enemy. In the adventure you are followed by the faithful droid BD-1. For now, only the trailer is shown, not the gameplay itself, but lot of that will be in the game, which means running on walls, interacting with objects with the help of Force and etc. However, we can hardly wait to see more details, and to play the game itself. Trailer can be viewed on the video below:

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