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Battlefield 1 - Revolution XBOX CD-Key

Battlefield 1 - Revolution XBOX CD-Key

Kod proizvoda: XBOX
Dostupnost:Na lageru
999 дин 499 дин


Aktivacija: https://redeem.microsoft.com/

NAPOMENA: VPN može biti neophodan prilikom aktivacije ključa. Ukoliko imate problem sa aktivacijom ili se ne snalazite SpaceNET Gameshop će BESPLATNO aktivirati proizvod za Vas.


Conquer the Entire Great War.

Games Critics Awards Best of E3 2016: Best Action Game
gamescom Best Action Game award winner 2016

Join the strong Battlefield community and jump into the epic battles of The Great War in this critically acclaimed first-person shooter. Battlefield 1 Revolution is the complete package containing:

Battlefield 1 base game
Experience the dawn of all-out war in Battlefield 1. Discover a world at war through an adventure-filled campaign, or join in epic team-based multiplayer battles with up to 64 players. Fight as infantry or take control of amazing vehicles on land, air and sea.

Battlefield 1 Premium Pass
Four themed expansion packs with new multiplayer maps, new weapons and more.

• Battlefield 1 They Shall Not Pass
• Battlefield 1 In the Name of the Tsar
• Battlefield 1 Turning Tides
• Battlefield 1 Apocalypse

Red Baron Pack, Lawrence of Arabia Pack and Hellfighter Pack – containing themed weapons, vehicles and emblems based on the famous heroes and units.

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