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theHunter: Call of The Wild - Master Hunter Bundle PS4/PS5

theHunter: Call of The Wild - Master Hunter Bundle PS4/PS5

Kod proizvoda: PS4
Dostupnost:Na lageru
4,999 дин


With the Master Hunter Bundle you’re ready for anything! From the frozen wilds of Medved-Taiga National Park to the plains of Vurhonga Savannah, your gear will carry you through. Whether you’re heading out to Silver Ridge Peaks or Revontuli Coast, you’ve got a fantastic arsenal at your disposal, and your trusty hound at your side. Bring it on!

This Bundle Contains:

theHunter: Call of the Wild - Base Game:
Never before have you experienced a hunting game like theHunter: Call of the Wild. Plunge into an atmospheric open world, teeming with life: from the majestic true-to-life animals to the rustling of leaves above you as you stalk your prey. You can decide to hunt on your own or join up and hunt together with friends. Just remember, you are not just a visitor in this world, you are a living and breathing part of it.

Forge a bond that will last a lifetime with a new companion! Let your furry friend help you track the scent of blood from injured prey as they keep you company on the trail.

Modern Rifle Pack:
Expand your weapon arsenal with a brand-new collection of modern rifles! Whether you’re hunting small game or fierce apex predators, these versatile semi-automatic rifles have all the firepower you need. Each rifle is available in two distinctive skins and compatible with a wide range of scopes.

Weapon Pack 1:
The wardens Connie, Doc, and Alena have received a shipment of weapons – the Virant .22LR Semi-Automatic Rifle, the Crosspoint CB-165, and the Houyi Recurve Bow!

Weapon Pack 2:
Another shipment of weapons has just been delivered to our wardens, and they’re excited to present three awesome additions to your arsenal. Try out the Grelck Drilling Gun, the Solokhin MN1890, and the Mangiafico 410 / 45 Colt Revolver.

High-Tech Hunting Pack:
Hunting in a stealthy fashion has never been easier thanks to the Night Hunting Pack. Through a selected mix of high-quality tools, you can now track your target with precision in the dark.

Revontuli Coast:
Set in Finland, on the north edge of the Baltic Sea, Revontuli Coast invites you to explore a vast and sprawling archipelago that teems with life. Hunt a wide range of waterfowl, ducks, and upland birds, as well as large game like Brown Bear, Moose, and Whitetail Deer. And if you’re lucky, you might even experience the Northern Lights.

Vurhonga Savannah:
Vurhonga Savannah needs your help! Traverse the scrublands, discover the riverlands and venture out into the lush savanna as you assume the role of a Warden and protect the lands from poachers and other potential misfortunes. Opportunities like this are few and far between, so pack your suitcase – Africa is calling!

Silver Ridge Peaks:
Once the domain of prospectors, Silver Ridge Peaks is now host to those who seek something other than precious metals. Whether you are tracking turkeys through the valley or a mountain goat on the horizon, it's hard to resist taking in the grandeur of the Colorado wilderness.

Get ready to face nature’s most challenging conditions during a rare hunting expedition to Medved-Taiga National Park. Inspired by the harsh, frozen landscape of Siberia, the weather here can turn in an instant, leaving you swept in whirling snow and surrounded by cracking ice.Uz Master Hunter Bundle, spremni ste na sve! Od smrznutih divljina Nacionalnog parka Medved-Taiga do ravnica Vurhonga savane, vaša oprema će vas provesti. Bez obzira da li idete na Silver Ridge Peaks ili Revontuli Coast, imate fantastičan arsenal na raspolaganju i svog pouzdanog psa na vašoj strani. Donesti!

Ovaj paket sadrži:

theHunter: Call of the Vild - Osnovna igra:
Nikada ranije niste iskusili igru lova kao što je Hunter: Call of the Vild. Uronite u atmosferski otvoreni svet, koji vrvi od života: od veličanstvenih pravih životinja do šuštanja lišća iznad vas dok vrebate svoj plen. Možete odlučiti da lovite sami ili se pridružite i lovite zajedno sa prijateljima. Samo zapamtite, vi niste samo posetilac na ovom svetu, vi ste njegov živi i dišni deo.

Iskovajte vezu koja će trajati ceo život sa novim saputnikom! Neka vam vaš krzneni prijatelj pomogne da pratite miris krvi povređenog plena dok vam pravi društvo na stazi.

Moderni paket pušaka:
Proširite svoj arsenal oružja sa potpuno novom kolekcijom modernih pušaka! Bilo da lovite sitnu divljač ili žestoke predatore, ove svestrane poluautomatske puške imaju svu vatrenu moć koja vam je potrebna. Svaka puška je dostupna u dve karakteristične kože i kompatibilna je sa širokim spektrom nišana.

Paket oružja 1:
Upravnici Koni, Dok i Alena su primili pošiljku oružja – poluautomatsku pušku Virant .22LR, Crosspoint CB-165 i Houii recurve luk!

Paket oružja 2:
Još jedna pošiljka oružja je upravo isporučena našim čuvarima, i oni su uzbuđeni što mogu da predstave tri sjajna dodatka vašem arsenalu. Isprobajte Grelck pištolj za bušenje, Solokhin MN1890 i Mangiafico 410 / 45 Colt revolver.

Paket za lov visoke tehnologije:
Lov na tajan način nikada nije bio lakši zahvaljujući paketu za noćni lov. Kroz odabranu kombinaciju visokokvalitetnih alata, sada možete precizno pratiti svoju metu u mraku.

Obala Revontulija:
Smešten u Finskoj, na severnoj ivici Baltičkog mora, obala Revontuli vas poziva da istražite ogroman i prostran arhipelag koji vrvi od života. Lovite širok spektar vodenih ptica, pataka i planinskih ptica, kao i krupnu divljač kao što su mrki medved, los i belorepi jelen. A ako budete imali sreće, možda ćete čak doživeti i severno svetlo.

Vurhonga Savana:
Vurhonga Savannah treba vašu pomoć! Prođite kroz šipražje, otkrijte rečno područje i upustite se u bujnu savanu dok preuzimate ulogu čuvara i štitite zemlju od krivolovaca i drugih potencijalnih nesreća. Ovakve prilike su malobrojne, pa spakujte kofer – Afrika zove!

Silver Ridge Peaks:
Nekada u domenu kopača, Silver Ridge Peaks je sada domaćin onima koji traže nešto drugo osim plemenitih metala. Bez obzira da li pratite ćurke kroz dolinu ili planinsku kozu na horizontu, teško je odoleti da uživite u veličanstvenost divljine Kolorada.

Spremite se da se suočite sa najizazovnijim uslovima prirode tokom retke lovačke ekspedicije u Nacionalni park Medved-Taiga. Inspirisano surovim, smrznutim pejzažom Sibira, vreme ovde može da se promeni u trenu, ostavljajući vas zatrpane u vrtlogu snega i okružene ledom koji puca.

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